Canada’s 13 premiers say they “expect” a commitment from Ottawa to increase health funding to 35 per cent as part of their meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau next week.
Almost all doctors in Canada support changes to medical licensing that would make it easier for health workers to see patients anywhere in the country, according to a new survey.
Don't think English Canada gets how big a deal what La Presse has now dubbed "L'Affaire Elghawaby" is in Quebec. On Parliament Hill Monday - French language journalists asked about nothing else. English journos? Hardly a peep.
Le Parti libéral du Québec (PLQ) a envoyé lundi des messages contradictoires concernant la nomination controversée d’Amira Elghawaby comme étant la nouvelle représentante fédérale de la lutte contre l’islamophobie.
Trudeau put his support behind Amira Elghawaby who he last week named as Canada’s first special representative on tackling hate and discrimination facing Muslims.
An open letter signed by a number of senior Liberal figures urged the Ontario Green Party leader to abandon his post and run to head the Liberals instead.
The Nova Scotia government will help open a medical school at Cape Breton University, the same post-secondary institution that saw faculty go on strike Friday, by fall 2025.
According to Smith's office, Alberta is consulting experts about the potential effects expanded eligibility might have on the province's health-care system.
Denise Bombardier: Le premier ministre du Québec a prétexté des « obligations familiales » pour ne pas être présent dimanche à la cérémonie commémorative de l’attentat perpétré il y a six ans à la grande mosquée de Québec. Six musulmans ont été tués par un jeune Québécois qui a aussi fait une vingtaine de blessés, tous des hommes en train de prier.
Manitoba Premier Heather Stefanson's next cabinet will feature a number of new faces, as the PC party has seen roughly one-third of the caucus say they won't run again.
Premiers from across the country are scheduled to meet with the federal government next week to begin talks on boosting health transfers to the provinces.
Newsroom ‘mental health first aid’ — We aren’t expected to provide treatment; rather, our role is to recognize when there is a problem and help the person in decline or crisis.
ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) text generator released to the public in November 2022, has quickly garnered widespread attention for its ability to use vast amounts of data to string together quick and detailed answers to any question. It was even used to generate a recent speech delivered by a U.S. congressman. Ross Lord explains why it's getting so much attention, and the challenges the chatbot presents for the future.
Blayne Haggart: ChatGPT is a sophisticated AI program that generates text from vast databases. But it doesn’t understand the information it produces, which also can’t be verified through scientific means.