Feb 26, 2024
David Akin's Roundup
Clippings of #cdnpoli, #media, and #tech content aimed at those with an interest in Canadian politics and policy. And sometimes Canadian postage stamps.
Canada is facing ‘irrelevance’ on world stage, ex-defence chief warns
When asked what he thinks is Canada's biggest national security risk, retired general Rick Hillier says it is Canada's 'irrelevance' on the world stage. [Global]
The federal government is expected to introduce legislation against online harms today, which the Liberals have promised will tackle issues such as online child endangerment and non-consensual sharing of intimate images. [CP]
Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland says pharmacare will not jeopardize Canada's fiscal standing as the federal government intends to abide by the spending rules it pledged in the fall. [CP]

A former Canadian security official says insider threats are a top concern for national security. Insider threats can from leaks or direct interaction with foreign agents. [Global]

Trudeau government did not even respond to the Taliban’s 2022 letter: 'Canada does not recognize the Taliban as the legitimate government' [National Post]

Federal conservative leader Pierre Poilievre two campaign stops in Hamilton on Saturday to talk on several important issues. [CHCH]

From the Provinces
Saskatchewan teachers talk 'demoralizing' classroom conditions
Three teachers speak about conditions they face in their classrooms. Issues like leaky roofs and frigid temperatures can persist for years. [Regina Leader Post]
Alberta politicians are set to return to the legislature this week for a spring sitting that is expected to see the first steps on sweeping structural reforms to a health-care grappling to find and keep family doctors. [CP]
Poland wants allies to keep taking Ukraine war seriously, Canada ambassador says
With support for Ukraine reportedly waning in other Western countries, Canada's ambassador to Poland urges allies to remain engaged in the war against Russia. [Global]
 As the war enters a third year, BARS is part of a patchwork of irregular forces that helps Russia avoid an unpopular general draft, military experts said. [Reuters]
Over 100 days, we used these methods to improve our trust with audiences that only casually engage with our content. [Poynter]

Mastodon is one of the most-loved open-source social media platforms. But, what's different with Bluesky? Let us find out here. [It's FOSS]

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11 things you didn't realize your Windows laptop's Precision Touchpad can do
You know how to point, click, and tap with your touchpad, but that versatile pointing device can do so much more, once you learn a few easy gestures. [ZDNet]
The Calendar
  • 0325 ET: Warsaw, Poland - PM Trudeau , Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland and Defence Min Bill Blair meet with Poland President Andrzej Duda.
  • 0415 ET: Warsaw, Poland - PM Trudeau , Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland and Defence Min Bill Blair meet with Poland Prime Minister Donald Tusk
  • 0545 ET: Warsaw, Poland - PM Trudeau and Poland Prime Minister Donald Tusk speak to reporters.
  • 0930 ET: Shawinigan, QC - Innovation Min François-Philippe Champagne makes a funding announcement. 
  • 1030 ET: Warsaw, Poland - PM Trudeau departs for Canada
  • 1100 ET: Ottawa - Public Services and Procurement Min Jean-Yves Duclos and LPC MP Chandra Arya make a Laboratories Canada announcement.
  • 1100 ET: 135B West Block -  The Black Class Action Secretariat representatives speak to reporters.
  • 1100 ET: 315 Wellington -  Citizenship and Immigration (CIMM) | Meeting  92 - Closed Work Permits and Temporary Foreign Workers
  • 1100 ET: 025-B West Block -  Government Operations and Estimates (OGGO) | Meeting  106 - Changeover of the Public Service Health Care Plan
  • 1100 ET: 415 Wellington -  Indigenous and Northern Affairs (INAN) | Meeting  97 - Drafting report
  • 1100 ET: 125-B West Block -  Industry and Technology (INDU) | Meeting  112 - Accessibility and Affordability of Wireless and Broadband
  • 1100 ET: 425 Wellington -  Justice and Human Rights (JUST) | Meeting  96 - Bill C-332
  • 1100 ET: 410 Wellington -  National Defence (NDDN) | Meeting  94 - Transparency within the Department of National Defence
  • 1100 ET: 330 Wellington - Veterans Affairs (ACVA) | Meeting  84 - Transition to Civilian Life
  • 1400 ET: HoC Foyer - NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh speaks to reporters.
  • 1530 ET: 315 Wellington -  Foreign Affairs and International Development (FAAE) | Meeting  96 - Drafting report.
  • 1530 ET: 415 Wellington -  Health (HESA) | Meeting  104 - Opioid Epidemic and Toxic Drug Crisis in Canada
  • 1530 ET: 330 Wellington -  Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) | Meeting 102 - Bill C-319
  • 1530 ET: 035-B West Block -  Natural Resources (RNNR) | Meeting  87 - Bill C-49
  • 1530 ET: 125-B West Block -  Official Languages (LANG) | Meeting  88 - Economic Development of Official Language Minority
  • 1530 ET: 425 Wellington -  Public Safety and National Security (SECU) | Meeting 96 - Growing Problem of Car Thefts in Canada
  • 1530 ET: 025-B West Block - Special Committee on the Canada–People’s Republic of China Relationship (CACN) | Meeting  34 - Canada–People’s Republic of China Relations. Deputy PM Chrystria Freeland testifying. 
  • 1730 ET: Ottawa - NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh speaks at a book launch.
  • 1930 ET: Ottawa - PM Trudeau arrives at Macdonald-Cartier International Airport.