May 27, 2024
David Akin's Roundup
Clippings of #cdnpoli, #media, and #tech content aimed at those with an interest in Canadian politics and policy. And sometimes Canadian postage stamps.
Canada now ‘the outlier’ in NATO on defence spending: U.S. ambassador
U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Cohen says Canada has become an outlier in NATO on defence spending, but Ottawa is rebuilding the nation's reputation as a reliable partner. [Global]
Book excerpt: Poilievre 'went soul-searching' after making one of the biggest mistakes of his political career as Harper was about to apologize for residential school abuses. [National Post]
Book excerpt: How the Liberal campaign team helped Justin Trudeau survive arguably his worst scandal of his political career. [National Post]
Kimberly Fairman wants ‘strong, Conservative presence’ in the NWT as she seeks 2025 candidacy [NNSL Media]
From the Provinces
‘Language is identity’: Indigenous Ontario legislator to make history at Queen’s Park
For the first time in its history, the Ontario legislature will allow, interpret and transcribe a language other than English and French. [Global]
The Chief of Staff to Ontario Premier Doug Ford routinely relied on a personal email address to facilitate government-related communications, Global News has learned, despite his assertions to Ontario’s Integrity Commissioner that government work is always conducted using an official email address. [Global]
A photo Higgs shared on social media shows a presentation slide with questions like: "Do girls masturbate?" and "Does it hurt when you do it for the first time?" among others. [Global]

Quebec Liberal Party interim leader Marc Tanguay called François Legault “the worst premier in modern Quebec history," saying he lost control of public finances. [Global]

The province says funding reductions at some school districts are largely a result of lower enrolment in those areas. [Edmonton Journal]

The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees described the situation in Gaza as “hell on earth” Monday following an Israeli attack in the southern city of Rafah that Palestinian health officials say killed at least 35 people. Israel’s military said it was reviewing an incident in Rafah following reports that an Israeli attack Sunday that it says killed two senior Hamas officials also set off a fire. [Voice of America]

The eroding popularity of the African National Congress, which has ruled the country since apartheid ended in 1994, is opening the door for a new era of coalitions, featuring a slew of smaller parties that never had a taste of power before. [Globe and Mail]

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Science and Tech

"I think everybody who researches hate content or hate media is seeing more and more AI-generated content," said Peter Smith, a journalist who works with the Canadian Anti-Hate Network. [CP]

The Calendar
  • 1000 ET: 135B West Block - Independent Jewish Voices and others speak about antisemitism.
  • 1100 ET: 035-B West Block - Citizenship and Immigration (CIMM) | Meeting 101 - Briefing on the Temporary Immigration Measures Initiated in Response to the Ongoing Conflicts in Sudan and Gaza. Immigration Min Marc Miller testifies.
  • 1100 ET: 025-B West Block - Government Operations and Estimates (OGGO) | Meeting 124 - Federal Regulatory Modernization Initiatives
  • 1100 ET: 415 Wellington - Indigenous and Northern Affairs (INAN) | Meeting 109 - Election of Chair; Tax Revenues from Businesses on First Nations Territories
  • 1100 ET: 330 Wellington - Industry and Technology (INDU) | Meeting 125 - Bill C-27
  • 1100 ET: 225-A West Block - Justice and Human Rights (JUST) | Meeting 106 - Antisemitism and Additional Measures that Could be Taken to Address the Valid Fears of Canada’s Jewish Community
  • 1100 ET: 410 Wellington - National Defence (NDDN) | Meeting 105 - FY25 Main Estimates. Defence Min Bill Blair testifies.
  • 1100 ET: 425 Wellington - Veterans Affairs (ACVA) | Meeting 96 - Committee Business
  • 1300 ET: West Block - PM Trudeau and Women and Gender Equality Min Marci Ien meet with members of the Prime Minister's Youth Council.
  • 1530 ET: 315 Wellington - Foreign Affairs and International Development (FAAE) | Meeting 109 - Canada’s Approach to Africa
  • 1530 ET: 225-A West Block, - Health (HESA) | Meeting 118 - Bill C-64
  • 1530 ET: 410 Wellington  - Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) | Meeting 115 - Federal Housing Investments; Intergenerational Volunteerism
  • 1530 ET: 025-B West Block - Official Languages (LANG) | Meeting 102 - Annual Report 2023-24 of the Commissioner of Official Languages
  • 1600 ET: Ottawa - Deputy PM and Fin Min Chrystia Freeland and Indigenous Services Min Patty Hajdu speak about economic reconciliation.
  • 1830 ET: 025-B West Block - Special Committee on the Canada–People’s Republic of China Relationship (CACN) | Meeting 42 - Canada–People’s Republic of China Relations
Issued this day ...
… in 2005: Scott #2110 souvenir sheet of 2: Art Canada: Homer Watson. Design: Hélène L'Heureux.
This pair of stamps marks multiple anniversaries: The 125th anniversary of the National Gallery of Canada, the 125th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Academy of Art and the 150th anniversary of the birth of the artist Homer Watson. 
Born in Doon, Ontario, on January 14, 1855, Watson died there on May 30, 1936. If you’re in the K-W area, good odds you might spend time driving on the Homer Watson Parkway.  

Canada Post: “Watson, throughout his career, he was often called the "Canadian Constable" because his style of painting the local countryside was so reminiscent of British artist John Constable.

In 1882, he was elected to full membership in the Royal Canadian Academy with Down in the Laurentides,  the painting which graces the 50¢ commemorative. In 1900, he completed The Flood Gate, one of his chief works, which appears on the 85¢ U.S. rate stamp. 

Many of Watson's paintings are inspired by the countryside around Kitchener, and his style demonstrates honesty and authenticity, as well as an emphasis on the moods and forces of nature. Notable collectors in both Canada and Britain, including Queen Victoria, owned his paintings and he left a lasting legacy through his efforts in founding the Toronto-based Canadian Art Club to promote the work of Canadian artists.”