May 23, 2024
David Akin's Roundup
Clippings of #cdnpoli, #media, and #tech content aimed at those with an interest in Canadian politics and policy. And sometimes Canadian postage stamps.
Edmonton woman was married to 2 ISIS fighters, sought weapons training
The Alberta court imposed a 12-month terrorism peace bond Wednesday on Aimee Vasconez. [Global]
In order to reach Ottawa's homelessness reduction goals, the Parliamentary Budget Officer suggests the federal government would need to spend $3.5 billion more annually. [Global]
The WestJet CEO says fees charged to airlines, businesses and passengers through ticket surcharges drive up the cost of flying in Canada. [Global]

A new poll from Abacus shows that many Canadians have no illusions about how much Poilievre could shake up things, yet the Conservatives are still holding a comfortable lead. [TorStar]

Rachel Enns is adding her name to a growing list of notables hoping to be the next CPC candidate. Vernon city councillor Teresa Durning, and former city councillor Scott Anderson have both thrown their hats into the ring. There's a reason for the high level of interest in the CPC nomination: This riding is a lock to send a Tory to Ottawa and so, the nomination race, is, for all intents and purposes, the contest to see who will be MP. [Castanet]
From the Provinces
Premier targets rivals' merger rumours as B.C. election nears
The latest legislative session in Victoria — a four-month grind that led to 25 bills being passed — ended this week with B.C. Premier David Eby celebrating his party's achievements and attacking his main political rivals. [CBC]

The policy meant that suspected impaired drivers without aggravating factors like causing bodily harm could plead guilty to non-criminal Highway Traffic Act offences. [Global]

"This does not mean I cannot support the provincial Furey government at the same time. I truly believe Premier Furey is the best leader for Newfoundland and Labrador right now. The provincial Liberal government has made great strides despite the financial challenges inherited from the former PC government," Owen Burt wrote. [CBC]
A report published by the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF) illustrates that the use of the French language is on the decline — especially among adults aged 18 to 34. [Global]

La députée a porté ce foulard devenu symbole de la cause palestinienne lors de la période des questions au Salon bleu. [Le Devoir]

U.K.’s Rishi Sunak calls snap general election for summer
Rishi Sunak's Conservative Party has been in power since 2010, the longest reign for a party in the U.K. in modern times, but his party has fallen out of favour. [Global]
After a sobering trip to Kyiv, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken is urging the president to lift some restrictions on how Ukraine can use American arms. [NYT]

On the eve of Mexico’s presidential elections, Andrés Manuel López Obrador maintains a high approval rating. But his constitutional chicanery and disregard for the law have undermined democracy, and his divisive rhetoric has polarized the country. [NY Review of Books]

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Social media platform X (formerly Twitter) will soon stop showing public "likes" on users' profile pages, the company has said. [MacRumors]
Science and Tech
While nighttime firefighting operations have been common in both Australia and the United States, Canadian provinces are now looking to expand their own capacity. [Global]
The Calendar
  • 0800 ET: Gaspé, QC - Fisheries Min Diane Lebouthillier speaks about the fishing industry in Gaspésie.
  • 0815 ET: 415 Wellington - Public Safety and National Security (SECU) | Meeting 107 - Growing Problem of Car Thefts. Transport Min Pablo Rodriguez and Public Safety Min Dominic LeBlanc to testify.
  • 0815 ET: 330 Wellington Bldg - Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) | Meeting 114 - Bill C-322. LPC MP Serge Cormier testifies.
  • 0815 ET: 225-A West Block - Justice and Human Rights (JUST) | Meeting 105 - Antisemitism and Measures to Address Fears of Canada’s Jewish Community
  • 0815 ET: 125-B West Block - Official Languages (LANG) | Meeting 101 - Drafting report.
  • 1100 ET: 410 Wellington - Science and Research (SRSR) | Meeting 88 - Science and Research in Canada's Arctic in Relation to Climate Change
  • 1100 ET: 125-B West Block - Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (TRAN) | Meeting 116 - Drafting report.
  • 1100 ET: HoC Foyer - BQ Leader Yves-François Blanchet speaks to reporters. 
  • 1315 ET: Edmonton - Employment Min Randy Boissonnault and Indigenous Services Min Patty Hajdu make a funding announcement. 
  • 1530 ET: 410 Wellington - Status of Women (FEWO) | Meeting 110 - Coercive Behaviour
  • 1530 ET: 330 Wellington Bldg - International Trade (CIIT) | Meeting 107 - Effects of American and European Seafood Import Policies on Canada’s Fishing Industry
  • 1530 ET: 035-B West Block - Natural Resources (RNNR) | Meeting 99 - Canada’s Electricity Grid and Network
  • 1530 ET: 430 Wellington - Canadian Heritage (CHPC) | Meeting 121 - Bill C-316
  • 1530 ET: 425 Wellington - Environment and Sustainable Development (ENVI) | Meeting 109 - Environment and Climate Impacts Related to the Canadian Financial System
  • 1530 ET: 315 Wellington - Fisheries and Oceans (FOPO) | Meeting 111 - Scales Used by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to Set Redfish Quotas
  • 1530 ET: 225A West Block - Health (HESA) | Meeting 116 - Health Min Mark Holland testifies on Bill C-64
  • 1530 ET: 415 Wellington - Public Accounts (PACP) | Meeting 124 - Report 4, National Trade Corridors Fund—Transport Canada, of the 2024 Reports 2 to 4 of the Auditor General of Canada
Issued this day ...
… in 2000: Scott #1854  Booklet of 5 stamps. Fresh Waters of Canada. Design: Clement Malenfant.