Mar 8, 2024
David Akin's Roundup
Clippings of #cdnpoli, #media, and #tech content aimed at those with an interest in Canadian politics and policy. And sometimes Canadian postage stamps.
Canada’s military facing ‘death spiral’ on recruitment, minister says
The federal government is “constrained” on more defence spending given the “current fiscal environment,” Defence Minister Bill Blair says. [Global]

While the government's tries to lower discretionary spending, overall spending will grow next year driven by higher debt servicing costs and transfers to seniors and provinces. [Global]

At an Etobicoke townhall, three MPs were confronted by criticism Poilievre is missing in action on the Ukraine file. [TorStar]
Most Canadians are also angry over how the country is being managed by the Trudeau government. The results from the latest Leger poll are reported here.  [National Post]
CPC leads in vote intention comfortably (40%) over Liberals (23%) and NDP (21%) [Angus Reid Institute]
In the ridings of Niagara Falls and Niagara West, incumbents Tony Baldinelli and Dean Allison have been re-nominated to carry the party torch for another four years. Fred Davies, Port Colborne Regional Councillor, has received the confidence of Conservatives in Niagara Centre to win the seat. In the riding of St. Catharines, however, things are heating up. [Niagara Independent]
Regan P. Watts: Poilievre has given them a voice. He is from and for Main Street and his appeal is clearly resonating. Don’t believe it? Take a peek at some of his visits to traditionally working-class communities like Windsor and St. John’s, where Liberals and New Democrats have dominated federal politics for decades. Ask a service worker the next time you’re buying coffee whether they feel like they are getting ahead. When Poilievre speaks, the polling shows working Canadians feel like he cares about them. [The Hub]
Don Martin: Pierre Poilievre and his Conservatives appear to be on cruise control to a rendezvous with the leader's prime ministerial ambition, but [there are] questions whether the Conservative leader may be peaking too soon. [CTV]
From the Provinces
Canada’s two richest provinces are playing with fiscal fire
Trevor Tombe: The risks both provinces are taking are choices that they have the luxury of making. Each province has a strong economy and fiscal capacity. But we should be clear about what those choices are and recognize that neither is a particularly prudent approach. [The Hub]
The suggestion follows the latest public confrontation between Quebec and Ottawa over the issue. [Montreal Gazette]
Yukon's finance minister says too many of the territory's residents are being affected by inflation, a global housing crisis and a lack of health-care workers but the government. [CP]
Maps explain how Sweden will alter NATO’s security
The countries also offer key geographic advantages, which would enhance NATO’s defenses. [WaPo]
Paul Wells: After a Feb. 26 meeting at Elysée Palace with representatives from most of the countries supporting Ukraine against the Russian invaders, Macron astonished just about everyone by saying nobody should rule out sending troops to Ukraine. What’s perhaps more surprising is that on March 5, more than a week later, Macron was still talking the same way. During a visit to Prague, he said, “We are surely approaching a moment for Europe in which it will be necessary not to be cowardly.” Later he gave a joint news conference with the Czech president, Petr Pavel. “Is this our war or is it not our war?” Macron said. “Can we look away in the belief that we can let things run their course? I don't believe so, and therefore I called for a strategic surge. And I fully stand behind that." If you understand French, the video is riveting. [Substack]
The Canadian Press introduces a daily "headlines" podcast. - DA [CP]

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5 reasons why I switched to a digital wallet, and you should too
Sabrina Ortiz: 79% of Gen Zers use digital wallets. Here's why and how I survive without a physical wallet. [ZDNet]

There are lots of ways you can view the solar eclipse in Hamilton, Burlington, Brantford, Six Nations and Niagara — some of the best spots in Canada to view the total eclipse on April 8. [CBC]

The Calendar
  • 0800 ET: Ottawa - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Min Harjit Sajjan speaks to the Ottawa Conference on Security and Defence
  • 0900 ET: Montreael - PM Trudeau visits a manufacturer.
  • 0900 ET: Montreael - PM Trudeau meets with members of Réseau des femmes d’affaires du Québec.
  • 0900 ET: Membertou, NS - Small Business Min Rechie Valdez makes a funding announcement. 
  • 0915 ET: Montreal - LPC MP Annie Koutrakis makes a funding announcement. 
  • 0930 ET: Thorold, ON - Energy and Natural Resources Min Jonathan Wilkinson and LPC MPs Chris Bittle and Vance Badawey make a funding announcement. 
  • 1010 ET: CFB Trenton, ON - Defence Min Bill Blair makes a funding announcement. 
  • 1015 ET: Cambridge, ON - FEDDEV Min Filomena Tassi and LPC MP Valerie Bradford make a funding announcement. 
  • 1030 ET: Maricourt, QC - LPC MP Élisabeth Brière makes a funding announcement. 
  • 1100 ET: 135B West Block -  Justice for all Canada representatives speak about Palestinian girls and women.
  • 1100 ET: Vancouver - Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre speaks to the Board of Trade.
  • 1100 ET: Montreal - Veterans Affairs Min Ginette Petitpas Taylor attends the 2024 Women Veterans Forum
  • 1100 ET: Sault Ste Marie, ON - LPC MP Terry Sheehan  makes an infrastructure funding announcement.
  • 1200 ET: Employment Min Randy Boissonnault makes a funding announcement. 
  • 1230 ET: Greater Sudbury, ON - LPC MP Marc Serré makes a funding announcement. 
  • 1400 ET: Calgary - Innovation Min François-Philippe Champagne speaks to the chamber of commerce.
  • 1545 ET: Nanamo, BC - NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh and NDP MP Lisa Marie Barron volunteer at a free food market.
Issued this day ...
… in 1979: Scott #721: Medium-Value Tree Definitives: White Pine. Design: Heather J. Cooper.