Mar 2, 2024
David Akin's Roundup
Clippings of #cdnpoli, #media, and #tech content aimed at those with an interest in Canadian politics and policy. And sometimes Canadian postage stamps.
Police need warrants for Canadians’ IP addresses: top court
Majority decision from top court states Canadians must not become “digital recluses” in order to enjoy privacy protections from police searches. [Global]
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. says the deadline for new or updated submissions to the program is midnight eastern time on March 21. [Global]
From the Provinces
B.C. announces minimum nurse-to-patient ratios, $237M to recruit and retain staff
British Columbia has established minimum nurse-to-patient ratios for a range of different hospital settings and is investing $237 million to ensure they are met. [CP]
A former minister in New Brunswick's Progressive Conservative government announced Friday he won't be running in the coming provincial election. Allain had been bruited as a possible replacement for Blaine Higgs. [CP]
“This is so many people in the party who just want to sit this election out and that to me spells trouble for the PCs,” he said. “Because while the premier might be trying to grow the party with new voices, he’s losing the base of the Progressive Conservatives in New Brunswick.” [Global]
Newfoundland and Labrador has to determine how much it will cost taxpayers when the companies operating the province's offshore oilfields decide to pull up their pipelines and leave. [CP]
Québec solidaire (QS) appuie la proposition du Parti libéral du Québec (PLQ) de suspendre les travaux de la Commission de la représentation électorale (CRE) afin de revoir la loi. [La Presse]
Three-term Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) Councillor Jen Ford is throwing her hat into the ring to be the local NDP candidate in the upcoming BCl election. [Pique News]

PM condemns ‘shocking increase in extremist disruption and criminality’ in wake of Gaza war, in sometimes rambling address. [The Guardian]

The program, which provides funding for news organizations to hire local reporters, was first established in 2019. [CP]
How the Media Industry Keeps Losing the Future
Roger Fidler tried his best, but the excellent business of journalism is gone for good. Can the idea of “news” survive in a digital world? [NYT]

The issue was ignored or covered poorly by news outlets in Panama and in Canada, the country where the company is based. We tried to find out why. [Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism]
The nonprofit had a budget shortfall of roughly $2.5 million last year amid a difficult market for fund-raising. [NYT]
CBC/Radio-Canada is currently seeking qualified candidates for a possible appointment to the position of President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The President and CEO is appointed by the Governor in Council for a term not exceeding five years. [Odgers Berndston]
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Laurie Anderson on making an AI chatbot of Lou Reed: ‘I’m totally, 100%, sadly addicted’
Anderson’s experiments with language-based AI predated ChatGPT – with one machine modelled on her dead husband that her friends ‘just can’t stand’. [The Guardian]
The Calendar
  • 1130 ET: Toronto,  - PM Trudeau meets with Italy Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.
  • 1245 ET: Toronto,  - PM Trudeau participates in a working luncheon with Italy Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.
  • 1900 ET: Toronto,  - PM Trudeau hosts a reception for Italy Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.
Issued this day ...
… in 2015: Scott #2809 - souvenir sheet of 2: Pansies. Design: Marcio Morgado.