Nov 27, 2023
The Roundup: Support request
A note to readers of my daily clippings Roundup.
You've seen all the pitches for Cyber-Monday discounts and Black Friday deals but I'm not selling -- just asking for a donation to help support the creation of this newsletter -- $3 a month? $5 a month? Click on the button's below to go to my Patreon page to help continue this newsletter's production.
Click to donate $3 a month to support this newsletter!
This newsletter is a project separate from my professional duties with Global News. I put it together on my own time and your donation covers the cost of using this platform from Goodbits based in beautiful Kelowna, B.C.

There are more than 1,500 subscribers here and, on any given day, my "open rate" is above 50 per cent which seems to me most of you are finding some value to "The Roundup"

Some of you are already donating a few bucks a month and for that, I'm hugely grateful. But if a few more can chip in, I'm looking to use that extra funding for new tools to help produce this letter and to be able to purchase new features from Goodbits which, I hope, will make this evern more value. 
Can u spare $5 a month for this newsletter? Click now!
In an age of increasing use of paywalls, I'm hoping that the donation model can keep this open for all. But, again, I need a little help.

So, please, not asking for much: A couple of bucks a month from a few dozen of you would make all the difference.

Thanks for reading!

- David Akin
Ottawa, Nov 2023
One more chance! Click now to donate! $3? $5 $10?